Sunday, April 26, 2009

Surprise, Surprise

This week has certainly been full of positives to say the least. The unusually hot weather we're been having, (leave it to NJ to be 45 and 95 in the same week), an easy week in school, and...meeting Amy Astley and Eva Chen?!? No, I'm not kidding about the last one. 

When I last posted about meeting Mary Kate Steinmiller at the Haute Spot last weekend, I had no idea what was in store for me on Friday afternoon when I got a phone call from my friend. I was supposed to be babysitting at 6:30 when I got a phone call from my friend telling me that AMY ASTLEY (my idol), was going to be at the Haute Spot at 5! I thought to myself, "Ok, its 4:08, I have less than an hour to get home, put together the PERFECT outfit, and drive 20 minutes to the mall." AND, I had to be back in town to babysit by perfect (HA!) Somehow I managed to get everything together, but enough about me, let's talk about the real reason why your reading this post.

From now until I'm old, I will never forget the moment I layed eyes on Amy for the first time. It was one of those moments you see in the movies where the nobody girl is standing there (in this case me), and the star walks in and the scene plays in slow motion as everyone in the store watches. Well, in this case, I was the only one watching. So as Amy passed me by, I have to admit, she was everything I didn't expect. She was just like me. Someone who was driven, into fashion and Teen Vogue, and willing to meet and talk to new people. In fact, Amy came over to me and talked to me for 15 minutes. We talked about everything from Teen Vogue, ,to scoring an internship, to fashion, to summer, to high school in general. She was absolutely wonderful in every way possible. 

The story doesn't end here. It wasn't until aboiut a half hour after I had been there that I spotted Eva Chen. As I approached her, she was shocked that I knew who she was. She had just cut her hair into a cute pixie cut with bangs (similar to Amy's hair), and didn't think any fans would be able to spot her....can't fool me! Eva and I chatted for a while about skin care, blogging and once again...scoring an internship. She was so poised and down to earth, I felt 100% comfortable with her.  

Overall, the day was a total tease. It made me want to work for Teen Vogue even more, (if that's even possible!)

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