Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rue La La!

I'm pretty new to the world of online shopping. I've always been more of a looker than someone who would actually buy clothes online. What's my sudden change of heart? Rue La La! It's my new favorite online boutique. Interested in joining? You have to be invited before you can browse the sight, so comment this post with your e-mail and I'll be sure to send you an invite! 

Monday, June 29, 2009

Here we go

Between the senior awards ceremony, decorating caps for graduation, prepping for graduation day, and ACTUALLY graduating, I barely had time to think twice about the fact that I was about to start the next chapter of my life all within 12 hours of getting my diploma. In fact, it didn't hit me until my car ride up to Connecticut the next morning at 6:30, (lovely I know), that I was on my way to orientation. 

Wait, what? When did all of this happen? I barely had time to take off my cap and gown when, before I knew it, I was already unpacking my things into what would be my dorm for the next 2 days. 

To be blunt, college life is going to be an adjustment. Orientation, aka a reality check, was eye-opening. To be quiet honest, I really don't know how I'm going to handle living far away. I really don't think it's been until right now that I realize how I was able to stay so calm before orientation. Being busy was my savior. It's when I have time to sit and think about things that I begin to overanalyze, and worry about what's going to come. Now that I'm back, I feel more nervous than ever about leaving for college. Regardless of the two months I have to mentally prepare, there is nothing that could possible ease my nerves about living with someone brand new, sharing a room the size of my closet, and cramming a whole floor of girls into one bathroom. 

I really don't mean to sound like I'm complaining. I'm actually estatic for college. I know in the back of my head everyone at orientation was having the same thoughts as me, even if people were just trying to put on a calm front. Let's face it, I was doing the exact same thing. But after going through orientation,  I now realize that only way to overcome this uncertainty is to face it and talk about it. That's exactly what I plan to do over the next two months. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Turning a rainy day into a fashion statement...

It's official. Summer just isn't coming to the East Coast this year. Every morning as I wake up and try to pick my outfit, I just sigh looking at all my new untouched dresses hanging in my closet. But just because the rain, rain....WON'T go away, doesn't mean you have to opt for the sweatshirt and hair in a bun look. Turning a rainy day into a fashion statement can be done by anyone, AND without spending a fortune. 

Have hair that frizzes at the sight of water? That doesn't mean you have to throw it up in a ponytail and call it a day. Work the curls! Bumble & Bumble Curl Conscious has shampoos and conditioners for coarse or fine curls, so no matter what kind of curl you rock, you can be frizz free.

Want to protect your pocketbook in a downpour? Then I'll introduce you to my latest obsession, Rain Couture. The brilliant designers behind the rain bags literally created a raincoat for your pocketbook. The rain bags come in a variety of designs and colors that fold up to the size of a standard wallet so that when your out of the rain, you can wipe it down and toss it in your pocketbook. 

A rainy day wouldn't be complete without the finishing touch, rain boots of course. I believe that every girl should own AT LEAST one cute pair of rain boots. Looking for a splurge? Burberry rain boots are comfortable and will last you for years. Looking for a steal? Target has tons of adorable rain boots that will give you the confidence to strut your style on a rainy, depressing morning. 

Even if you aren't feeling your best during these dreary days, you'll be certain to fool everyone around you just with these few tips. 

When GG nostalgia sets in...

“Waldorf, I’m aware we’re on pretty shaky ground right now, and this probably won’t help.  But those footless tights were a mistake.  It’s darling that we coordinate so well, I’ll admit - it adds a very twee aspect to this whole love/hate thing we have going.  But I just wish those damn tights weren’t footless.  Who are you, Brooklyn?  No, not that Brooklyn.  Girl Brooklyn.  The one with the video camera. What do you mean, my socks and jacket are too matchy-matchy?  That’s it, we’re officially on the outs again.  And I am so going to bang Girl Brooklyn for that comment.  You’ll see.”

“Waldorf, I’m aware we’re on pretty shaky ground right now, and this probably won’t help.  But those footless tights were a mistake.  It’s darling that we coordinate so well, I’ll admit - it adds a very twee aspect to this whole love/hate thing we have going.  But I just wish those damn tights weren’t footless.  Who are you, Brooklyn?  No, not that Brooklyn.  Girl Brooklyn.  The one with the video camera.

What do you mean, my socks and jacket are too matchy-matchy?  That’s it, we’re officially on the outs again.  And I am so going to bang Girl Brooklyn for that comment.  You’ll see.”


I'll admit. It's only June, but I'm already missing GG. Luckily I'll have the witty comments of the website "What Chuck Wore," to fill me in until September. I can't even believe it...the next time I'll be watching will be from my dorm. Creepy!